There's a number of things it can be! (I'm a trans specialist voice teacher who teaches trans masc & femme voices singing & speech) 1. The vocal folds change quicker when taking T than if your body produces T, which can mean more unstability for…
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First, what is it that makes your accent your accent? Accent isn’t just about the shape of the words, it can also be to do with other vocal elements eg: pitch, inflections, breath, resonance, speech pattern. Second, what is it about your voice…
Comments closedTrans voice training needs more: Most of all, what trans voice training needs is less stereotyping of what a femme or masc voice “should” sound like. The goal isn’t to hand everyone the exact same voice. It’s to help each individual find a way to…
Comments closed@nonbinarycreative vocalising higher pitches #TransVoiceTeacher #TransVoice #VocalTeacher #TransFemme #TransVoiceTips #TransVoiceTricks #VoiceTraining #VoicePitch ♬ FEEL THE GROOVE – Queens Road, Fabian Graetz Transcript So, pitching with the vocal is basically about them vibrating together at different speeds. So the vocal folds basically vibrate together to create…
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