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Register your interest for upcoming workshops with me here!

A colourful promo image for 3 upcoming online workshops coming soon. Workshop 1 is Cultivating Your Creativity for ADHDers, 2 is Don't Fear The Falsetto, and 3 is Vocal Habits: A 3 part series, part 1, where they come from, part 2, the here and now, part 3, vocal exploration. The bottom of the image says: All my workshops are between 2-3 hours long, and are offered on a "pay what you can" system, with a recommended price of £25 each. You can register your interest in attending at

Hi! I’m Ren (they/them)

I’m a queer, AuDHD creative and alternative educator with a passion for helping others grow – both as performers and as human beings.

I specialise in working with trans, nonbinary, gender non-conforming, and neurodivergent people.

If you require this information in a different format, please contact me on

A slim white human, leaning forwards to the camera, smiling joyfully showing their teeth. They are wearing round horn rimmed glasses and have vivid rainbow coloured curly hair on top of their head and shaved sides. They are wearing a sky blue t-shirt with a black waistcoat, and a necklace with black, purple, blue, and green beads. Behind them is a painted backdrop which is bright pink with a circular painted window in yellow and brown.

What I Do

My main services are:

I also do the following:

  • Own and run OmniArts GB
  • Run workshops on a range of subjects – some are organised by me, and I can be hired for events and groups as well
  • Create art – primarily songs and poems
  • Crafting

Here’s a little insight into my experience as a teacher and mentor:

I’ve been teaching one-to-one singing lessons since 2010, running a performing arts company (OmniArts GB) which I built from the ground up in 2013, and performing in many different forms since I was 5 years old.

I have developed a unique and personal style in the way I teach, which allows me to give so much more than just knowledge of the voice to my students.

I provide space in my lessons for my students to open up, and discover more about themselves, as well as their voices. Through this, I have found myself mentoring a number of my students, helping them with not only their vocal development, but also with career pathway ideas and guidance, life skills and personal growth too.

I am also a singer, dancer, actor, songwriter, and poet.

My Ethos

I’m a huge believer in making your own future, however I also know how many privileges I have had in my life which have allowed me to get to where I am now. I want to give back to those who were given a different start in life, and help put more people on the path to living their dream.

I do my best to offer opportunities to anyone who wants them, in whatever way I can, which is why I have such a wide range of options for working with me.

I’m also hugely passionate about intersectionality, being a member of a number of marginalised groups myself, and am constantly working to be a better version of myself.

I try to lift up the voices of those who speak on things I do not, and cannot, fully understand whilst also sharing my own experiences as a queer, disabled, self employed person to help myself and others make sense of ourselves and the world we live in.

I’m a totally outside of the box, fun, energetic, encouraging individual who aims to empower others through the work I do, and live a completely authentic life, being true to myself.

If I had to sum up my ethos in one sentence, it would be: How can I help you?

So, how can I help you?

If you’re a queer creative looking for out of the box self employed business coaching, head to this page.

If you’re someone looking for some singing lessons, no matter your age or ability, find out more here.

If group learning is more your thing, then check out my performing arts company: OmniArts GB to see what we have to offer.

And if you just fancy a chat, pop me an email on! I can’t wait to hear from you.